Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Michael Judge

He has a moral responsibility to step aside. This has gone on for too long.

Under article 25 of the US Constitution he can be removed from office and this should have been pursued.

I am the same age as Biden, in a lot better shape, and know my only employment could be as night watchman in a mattress factory. I would bring my own pillow. Being 80 is something we have to accept and consider ourselves lucky we get to see the sun come up.

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Love your honesty. There’s a reason why you’re not a politician: You speak the truth!

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In my experience, which spans many decades, even the politicians whom I admire at least stretch the truth and evade it frequently. It goes with their job which requires gathering votes and money from constituents who disagree, often seriously, about policies. Prevarication is the norm.

As a nation we are in this terrible situation, not so much because one politician has demonstrated bad judgment by trying to hold on to personal power too long, but more so because the Democratic Party cedes way too much power to incumbent politicians instead of having a candidate vetting process to make sure incumbents serve the nation rather than more narrowly just themselves.

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I agree entirely. Obama was the exception, who saw the weakness of the Clinton machine and took advantage of it. Trump, in my opinion, is much like Obama in that respect. He saw the weakness in the old GOP machine and Hillary’s electability and took advantage of it. I believe a younger, more dynamic Dem could do the same in the coming election. Both Trump and Obama were essentially outsider candidates that took on the party leadership and won. It can happen again, if Dems act now.

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Personalized “political machines” are a huge problem in democratic practice. If we had political parties that served the public and not political families the parties would try all sorts of arrangements that would prevent machines, until they found one that worked.

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Alas, ours is not a Parliamentary system, where parties are the kingmakers, not fundraisers. I’m curious, did the Clinton family usher in this problem on the left?

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Contrary to the Supreme Court, I am adamantly opposed to kings!

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Jul 2Liked by Michael Judge

Dear Mike,

Who would you like the Democratic presidential candidate to be instead of Joe Biden?

Much love to you and your dear father-in-law and family,

Aunt Charlotte

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Most folks disagree, but here’s my two cents (bear in mind, I’m no political strategist):

How to win:

1) Biden resigns.

2) Kamala Harris becomes first female president.

3) Harris chooses Michelle Obama as running mate.

4) Bold historic victory for women and women’s rights

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