I was Opinion page editor at the P-C in 2001-2002! The publisher and i went hammer and tongs more than once. Most of the time the managing editor had my back but our days were numbered
Julie, you and the Iowa Writers Collaborative are a blessing to the state of Iowa, and people everywhere who seek out good, honest writing, meaningful journalism, and the poetry that surrounds us all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 🙏
Another good author, I need to stop reading and tackle my day. Michael, I remember your family members and their advocacy. Art and his family are amazing. I stopped in Storm Lake once to sign up for the online paper. I saw the Pulitzer stashed on a crowded bookshelf. Very unassuming, exactly as they are.
Strange quick 2020 demise after coming off best Jan & Feb ever, so no slow decline, but all your ad comments were very similar. Originally from Mason City, knew Mike in high school
I was Opinion page editor at the P-C in 2001-2002! The publisher and i went hammer and tongs more than once. Most of the time the managing editor had my back but our days were numbered
We should get together and compare notes!
Outstanding discussion between two people who care about quality jornalism.
This is a fun read! Art is a rare gem. I am so glad Michael found us, and we found him.
I forwarded this to a few folks before reading it and just now discovered you said kind words about me. Thank you.
Julie, you and the Iowa Writers Collaborative are a blessing to the state of Iowa, and people everywhere who seek out good, honest writing, meaningful journalism, and the poetry that surrounds us all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 🙏
Michael, how kind of you to say. You are a wonderful part of this team!
Another good author, I need to stop reading and tackle my day. Michael, I remember your family members and their advocacy. Art and his family are amazing. I stopped in Storm Lake once to sign up for the online paper. I saw the Pulitzer stashed on a crowded bookshelf. Very unassuming, exactly as they are.
Loved reading this conversation Michael. Truth for days. I’m wishing you and Art speedy recoveries from my own sick-bay in NY.
Great interview! Missy & I read you & Cullen from where ever we are. Spot on Keep up the work.
Did you know we owned & ran a small weekly newspaper in Fla. 2010-2020? Pandemic killed it
Strange quick 2020 demise after coming off best Jan & Feb ever, so no slow decline, but all your ad comments were very similar. Originally from Mason City, knew Mike in high school
Thanks, and sorry for the death of your weekly.